My mom suffered from cancer for 7 years. During the corona pandemic where productions been shut down and had more or less no contact with people I realized how lonely she had been during all the years. Sure my dad has been close, but most of the time she was alone. I started to cycle a lot to get some headspace while working out and meditation wasn't enough anymore.
Then I decided to cycle from the northmost point of Germany to the southernmost point. I shared my idea on Instagram and told the people that I will donate 1eur for the german cancer aid for each km someone joins me.
In the end, I've been cycling 1600km with around 20 people. Some shorter, some longer segments. Next to the few hundred km I had people on my track .. I've collected more than 5000eur.
My mom passed away in February 2021.
But cycling and my motivation for helping fighting cancer w/ people is still present. Here are a few moments from the journey.